Agressieve parodontitis en gebitsverlies

22 november 2013 Geen reacties

Het is niet helemaal duidelijk in hoeverre het verloop van chronische parodontitis en van de meer agressieve vorm van parodontitis van elkaar verschillen. Leidt de agressieve vorm inderdaad sneller tot verlies van aangetaste gebitselementen? Naar deze problematiek is nog weinig systematisch onderzoek verricht. Een een uitgebreid literatuuronderzoek diende om meer duidelijkheid in deze kwestie te krijgen.


Aggressive periodontitis (AgP) is thought to have a faster rate of progression than chronic periodontitis (CP). However, there is a lack of studies systematically investigating disease progression and tooth loss in AgP. A systematic search of the literature was conducted by two independent reviewers for longitudinal studies including patients with AgP (previously known as 'periodontosis', 'juvenile' or 'early-onset' periodontitis) indicating measures of disease progression. Ovid MEDLINE(®) and Embase databases were searched for at least 5-year longitudinal human studies in AgP patients. In total, 16 studies were included in the review, from an initial search of 1,601 titles. Heterogeneity was detected for disease definition and clinical data reporting; hence meta-analysis was feasible only for the objective measure 'tooth loss'. The average tooth loss for all AgP cases was 0.09 (95% C.I. = 0.06-0.16) per patient-year. The corresponding values by diagnosis were 0.05, 0.14, and 0.12 tooth loss per patient-year, respectively, for LAgP, GAgP, and un-specified AgP. For studies reporting tooth loss during the 'observational period' (excluding extractions at initial therapy), the average tooth loss for AgP was 0.09 per patient-year. High heterogeneity was detected for these analyses. In conclusion, most studies report good long-term stability of treated AgP cases.


Nibali L, Farias BC, Vajgel A, Tu YK, Donos N. Tooth loss in aggressive periodontitis: a systematic review. J Dent Res 2013 Oct; 10: 868-875. doi: 10.1177/0022034513501878. Epub 2013 Aug 16.


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