Obesitas beïnvloedt resultaat orthodontie niet

21 juni 2013 Geen reacties

De vraag of obesitas is gerelateerd aan het resultaat van orthodontische behandelingen stond centraal in een onderzoek. De veronderstelling was dat kinderen met overgewicht, uitgedrukt in body mass index (BMI), eerder ongezond gedrag zouden vertonen dan kinderen met een normale BMI. Ongezonde gedragsgewoonten zouden dan van invloed kunnen zijn op het resultaat van hun orthodontische behandelingen. Die aanname wordt niet bevestigd in een onderzoek waarin kinderen met overgewicht en kinderen met een normaal gewicht participeerden.

To determine whether there is a correlation between body mass index (BMI), patient cooperation, and treatment success during multibracket (MB) appliance therapy. All adolescent MB patients started and finished between 2007 and 2010 were analyzed. The pretreatment BMI was calculated and negative file entries such as bad oral hygiene, missed appointments, and appliance breakage were recorded. According to the number of negative entries, cooperation was classified as good, bad, or poor. Additionally, the treatment duration and the number of appointments were recorded. For the evaluation of treatment success, the pretreatment and posttreatment PAR (peer assessment rating) scores were measured. Of the 77 subjects, 61 had a normal BMI (79.2%) and 16 were considered overweight (20.8%). Whereas 51.7% of the normal-weight children had a good cooperation, only 25% of the overweight patients cooperated sufficiently. Consequently, the number of patients exhibiting bad or poor cooperation was higher in the overweight group (37.5% bad, 37.5% poor) than in the normal-weight group (30.6% bad, 17.7% poor). Patients with an increased BMI had a slightly longer treatment duration (21.4 months) and needed more appointments (19.9) than their normal-weight peers (18.9 months, 18.1 appointments). The PAR (peer assessment rating) score reduction, however, was comparable (normal BMI: 17.8 points, 64.0%; increased BMI: 15.2 points, 65.3%).

In the present study, children with increased BMI did not cooperate as well during MB therapy as their normal-weight peers, but the treatment outcome was comparable in the two groups.


Von Bremen J, Wagner J, Ruf S. Correlation between body mass index and orthodontic treatment outcome. Angle Orthod 2013; 83: 371-375. Vol. 83, No. 3, pp. 371-375. doi: 10.2319/070612-555.1. Epub 2012 Oct 15.


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