Osteonecrose van de kaak door bisfosfonaten

21 juni 2013 Geen reacties

Bisfosfonaten zijn geneesmiddelen ter preventie en behandeling van aandoeningen als osteoporose, osteitis deformans (botziekte van Paget), botmetastasen, multipel myeloom (ziekte van Kahler), en aandoeningen die gepaard gaan met een fragiele botmassa. De werking is gebaseerd op de remming van botafbraak en resorptie door osteoclasten. Bisfosfonaten worden in verband gebracht met osteonecrose van de kaak, waarbij de mandibula tweemaal frequenter wordt getroffen dan de maxilla. Een vroege diagnostiek is belangrijk. Speekseltesten kunnen daarin een hulpmiddel zijn.

The aim of this preliminary study was analyze the possible alterations in some salivary interleukins, usually associated with the inflammatory processes. The study comprised 3 groups: group 1, with 26 cases with bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ). Group 2, with 29 patients who had received iBF but without BRONJ. Group 3, with 26 control patients not treated with BF and without oral lesions. We collected unstimulated whole saliva in all groups. A semiquantitative study was performed based on a cytokine array panel. We used the proteome profiler array for the study. We analyzed: Interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1α), interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA), and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β). We found higher salivary values for all the cytokines studied in group 1 than in group 2 and 3. IL-1β showed the major differences compared with control group. (P < 0.05). This preliminary study confirms that there are alterations in these interleukins in patients with BRONJ. These results give support to further additional salivary studies on these biomarkers by quantitative measures.


Bagan J, Sheth CC, Soria JM, Margaix M, Bagan L. Bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: a preliminary study of salivary interleukins. J Oral Pathol Med 2013; 42: 405-408. doi: 10.1111/jop.12021. Epub 2012 Nov 15.


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