Parodontale diagnostiek met cone beamcomputertomografie

22 november 2013 Geen reacties

Vorig jaar april discussieerden in het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde een voor- en tegenstander over het gebruik van cone beamcomputertomografie (CBCT) in de algemene praktijk (Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2012; 4: 119: 166-167). Deze driedimensionale techniek wordt onder meer toegepast bij de opsporing van parodontale botdefecten en biedt veel accuratere diagnostische mogelijkheden dan de conventionele methode.


The present study compares the diagnostic value of periodontal bone defect images using conventional two-dimensional single-tooth radiographs and three-dimensional cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Classified periodontal bone defects were prepared on pig mandibles and presented radiographically. Fifteen dentists were instructed to make a diagnosis based on these x-rays, regarding the type and the extent of the bone defects. Subsequently, the results were evaluated and compared to the morphology of the surgically prepared defects as the gold standard. On average, the diagnosis of infrabony defects were 21 %, dehiscence 25 %, and fenestration 33 % more accurate using the three-dimensional projection than with the single-tooth radiograph. Furthermore, the CBCT allows grade II furcation to be captured more accurately. The results of this study indicate that a considerably more precise analysis of periodontal defects is possible due to the third dimension. Particularly, in the oro-vestibular orientation, defects could be detected significantly more accurate. CBCT images offer an advantageous alternative to the conventional single-tooth radiograph while taking the higher exposure of radiation into account


Braun X, Ritter L, Jervøe-Storm PM, Frentzen M. Diagnostic accuracy of CBCT for periodontal lesions.Clin Oral Investig 2013 Sep 19. Epub ahead of print.


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