The high quality and rigid regulation of dental care in the Netherlands can form a barrier to the implementation of new or expensive techniques. Thus, laser techniques in dental care are quickly dismissed on the basis that they are an (excessively) expensive means of achieving a dental goal which can already be achieved with existing means. The laser, however, brings with it additional possibilities for treatment. Laser fluoresence makes additional caries and periodontal diagnostics possible. Lasers can contribute to the effective flushing of root-canals. Safe cleaning of deep periodontal pockets is also possible with laser technology. Surgery of soft tissue too can be carried out more simply and safely with lasers than with a knife, with the added advantage of less discomfort for the patient. The successful application of laser techniques depends on the use of the correct laser (with an appropriate wave-length and pulse system) for the intended purpose. It is almost impossible for a dentist who is uninformed about lasers to acquire an appropriate instrument in a responsible manner. It is certainly useful to follow a course on lasers before any purchase is made.