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Artikel 1, p. 611-631 - Editie 7 - 1926

rv r. P, 'lb.('rv,r~v,rv,r~v,r~v,rr~ r~v,r~v,r~v,r~s,rr,, trv rrv @3 REDACTIONEEL GEDEELTE LEITEEPECKEUSUMMECIFIJEIIMODUIOEIMEEECIOMMUMES DE TANDTECHNICI. Op een andere plaats in dit nummer vindt men het nieuwe wetsontwerp afgedrukt, dat, zooals verwacht kon worden, een nieuw en ditmaal...

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Artikel 7, p. 685-692 - Editie 7 - 1926

c i8LlgimQr1mCOraüaC?"1 mW.mmtaxemmmmmml~.1~ BUITENLAND LixeareammeoreamogrogroutearogzumuirEareemosual STATISTIEK VAN DE TANDHEELKUNDIGE VERZORGING IN VERSCHILLENDE LANDEN In de Z. R. No. 12 komen onderstaande gegevens voor verschillende landen, betreffende het aantal tandartsen voor: STAAT...

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Artikel 8, p. 693-695 - Editie 7 - 1926

BOEKBESPREKING Die Zahnwurzel als Stützpunkt der Prothese, von Dr. G. Habe r, Freibusch Vertrieb, Berlin W 62. ,Das Pflichtbewustsein in uns und das ethische Empfinden, jede, aber auch jede Zahnwurzel, somit sie nicht bei Uebernahme der Behandlung der vollständigen Zerstörung zur Opfer...

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Artikel 9, p. 696-699 - Editie 7 - 1926

E ® INHOUDSOPGAVE VAN BUITENLANDSCHE TIJDSCHRIFTEN.*) UccizE(10:1smaar9Jmr•McIEXICEEI - ZAHNAERZTLICHE RUNDSCHAU. 25 April, No. 17: Oppler, Aus. der Praxis der Orthodontie. Hauenstein, Erfarhungen und Gedanken der Wurzelspitzenresektion_ Schubert, Der Ersatz aüszerer Nasendefekte mit Hilfe...

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Artikel 8, p. 499-511 - Editie 6 - 1926

AI ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS SOCIAL PART I THE FIELD OF ACTION OF THE H. C. F. D. I. 616.314 (062) (00) 616.314 083 by Prof. Dr. ERNEST JESSEN of Basel, President of the Commission. The Fédération Dentaire Internationale (F. D. I.) was founded in 1900 on the initiative of Prof..Godon on the 3rd...

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Artikel 9, p. 512-520 - Editie 6 - 1926

I SOCIAL PART. A3 THE SYSTEMATIC SANITATION OF GROWING YOUTH THROUGH THE DENTAL SCHOOL CLINICS 616 314:37. by Prof. Dr. med. ERNEST JESSEN, from the Hygienic Department of the canton Basel-Stadt. 1) He, Who has taken a lively interest in the development of dental surgery of nowadays, from the...

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Artikel 10, p. 521-527 - Editie 6 - 1926

SCHOOL-DENTISTRY IN AMSTERDAM IN 1925 WITH STATISTICS 1616.314:371 (492) by H. v. d. MOLEN, Director of the Municipal dental clinics. In 1925 School-dentistry was started in Amsterdam (Holland). In previous years, school-dental-clinics had been visited in Boston (Mass.), Rochester (N. Y.),...

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Artikel 12, p. 537-547 - Editie 6 - 1926


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Artikel 13, p. 548-551 - Editie 6 - 1926

548 I SOCIAL PART (B). PUBLIC DENTAL CARE. APPENDIX TO MEMORANDUM OF THE BRITISH DENTAL ASSOCIATION, showing: — I. The constitutional diseases and defects associated with bad dental conditions; 2. The beneficial effects of dental treatment; 3. Recommendations. 1. The Constitutional Diseases...

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Artikel 14, p. 552-561 - Editie 6 - 1926

MISCELLANEOUS FRANCE INSTITUTION OF A MINISTRIAL COMMISSION FOR DENTAL HYGIENE. We are pleased to learn that on April 10th 1925 a Commission for Dental Hygiene has been instituted at the Ministry of Labor, Hygiene and Social Assistance and Care in France. Said Commission is composed as follows:...

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Artikel 15, p. 562-578 - Editie 6 - 1926

INQUIRY TOOTHBRUSH. Section of the H. C. F. D. I. August 5th 1926 Geneva.. The Inquiry re toothbrushes has shown that upon this subject many colleagues still hold opinions wich are quite out of date. The H. C. consider it therefore their urgent duty to put forward standardized methods for the...

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Artikel 16, p. 579-592 - Editie 6 - 1926

(B) THE PROBLEM OF PARADENTOSIS (PERIODONTOCLASIA) (3) THERAPEUTICS (TREATMENT) 61 6.314.17 0081 by PAUL R. STILLMAN, 'DaD.S., F.A.C.D., F.A.A.P., President, Section X. Periodontid, Seventh International Dental Congress New York, N. Y., U. S. A. There are many phenomena which indicate that...

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Artikel 17, p. 593-597 - Editie 6 - 1926

CORRESPONDENCE. Boston, Apr. 2. 1926. Dear Doctor: — I am sending you .a document issued by the Massachusetts Dental Hygiene Council of which I heartily approve. very truly, WILLIAM H. POTTER. Dear Dr. W. H. POTTER. At the next Convention, of the Massachusetts Dental Society on May 6th. the...

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Artikel 18, p. 598-603 - Editie 6 - 1926

EXTRACTS OF REVIEWS THE BRUSHING OF TEETH AND PYORRHOEA. 616.314 073.75 The Brushing of tooth surfaces can best be taught to the, average individual by a demonstration on the patient's own teeth. The first essential is a set of tooth-brushes so constructed that all surfaces of all the teeth may...

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Artikel 19, p. 604-610 - Editie 6 - 1926

STATUTE OF THE HYGIENE-COMMISSION OF THE F. D. I. 616.314 (062) (00) : 616.314 083 Object The H. C. F. D. I. has resulted from art. 2 sub c. of the Rules and Regulations of the F. D. I. The committee is permanent, provided that its conclusions are to be subjected to the Executive Council whose...

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Artikel 1, p. 303-320 - Editie 5 - 1926

8 E REDACTIONEEL GEDEELTE B B HET SCHANDAAL AAN HET DEPARTEMENT VAN ARBEID EN DE BELANGEN DER VOLKSGEZONDHEID Zooals men zich zal herinneren is op de Buitengewone Vergadering van onze Maatschappij op 20 Maart j.l. te Utrecht gehouden ook de kwestie van de toepassing van het z. g....

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Artikel 8, p. 385-393 - Editie 5 - 1926

ifa t?AF/t7A€~~0.AMEOAMt7A R 7~t~]f ès]~ 7CAAreirM7;;1MEtTER Fe7 BUITENLAND ~ TWAALFDE JAARLIJKSCH CONGRES DER „EUROPEAN ORTHODONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY" Op 1 en 2 April 1.1. werd te Parijs de 12e jaarvergadering gehouden van de „European Orthodontological Society" onder voorzitterschap van...

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Artikel 9, p. 394-396 - Editie 5 - 1926

NEDERLANDSCHE VEREENIGING TE;r. BESTRIJDING VAN HET TANDBEDERP GEWONE LEDENVERGADERING op Vrijdag 26Maart 1926, 8agr, Café Riche, Korte Hoogstraat, Rotterdam VERKORT VERSLAG. Te ruim 8 uur opent de waarnemend voorzitter Joh: J. Griffijn de vergadering, heet de aanwezigen hartelijk welkom en...

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Artikel 10, p. 397-397 - Editie 5 - 1926

BOEXAAi~KONDI"GING ~ ~lifireEK63 alierfeeiteatiI>alWiC Die Wurzelfü11mg. Leitfaden für: die Behandlung pulpakranker und pulpaloser Zähne, von Dr. Oskar Heinemann, Zahnarzf in Rathenow. Mit 24 .Abbildungen im Text. Uitgave: Berlin, Verlag von Hermann Meusser, 1926. 100'blz, Prijs: ingenaaid M....

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Artikel 11, p. 398-405 - Editie 5 - 1926

r trv,t ® rfis trv.t. cow-.romn INHOUDSOPGAVE VAN BUITENLANDSCHE TIJDSCHRIFTEN.*) ca'ca °cra ca°~a rlrca°ca°cra ca,c•a°Cor a.qea• YLERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUER ZAHNHEILKUNDE. 1926, Heft 1. Sachs, Allgemeiner Behandlungsplan oder systematisch-starre Indikationsstellung für die...

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